Sunday, February 01, 2009

Not much has changed

I've been really busy in my personal life. So I haven't paid much attention to real estate. Emotions? They're strong here in California. Intense panic. But I see no evidence that nationally anything has moved on.

My last emotions post in December Seem as current as ever.

I missed tracking inventory for January. Oops. I'll update and then post.

I personally know good people losing their jobs. Outside of Healthcare and IT, I know of no industry hiring more than it is laying off.

I really hope things return to the 'deep recession' path.

Got Popcorn?


Unknown said...

Over at Northrop we are hiring and layoffs aren't an issue. Send over some good engineers in need of a job.

wannabuy said...


Northrop is interesting.

On group is laying off and another is hiring. The issue is the phase of the money flows as well as the division merger holding up position openings.

Oh, they are doing better than Boeing Sattelites... But I know of people in limbo due to the tanker, Goser, and other missed bids.

Now if my daughter would just get over this cold! It lasts weeks in an adult and longer in very young children. Ugh! Up at 11pm, 1am, and 4am last night. She is still happy and that is a blessing. :)

Got Popcorn?